Your Councillors

The Parish Council has a complement of 12 councillors:

5 representing Norton

5 representing Campsall

2 representing Sutton.


Your current councillors are listed below:

Mike Morgan

Chair of the PC
Mike Morgan

Mike represents the Norton area and can be contacted on 01302 700149


Johnny Atkins

Vice Chair
Johnny Atkins

Johnny represents the Norton area and can be contacted on 01302 700892


Lindsay Shearman

Lindsay Shearman

Lyndsay represents the Campsall area


Brenda McLaughlin

Brenda McLaughlin

Brenda represents Campsall and can be contacted on 01302 708058


David Harle

David Harle

David represents Sutton and can be contacted on 07808 057229


Alan Drayton

Alan Drayton

Alan represents the Campsall area and can be contacted on 07938 781725


Vacancy for Sutton


Val Greaves

Val Greaves

Val represents Norton area and can be contacted on 07813 599793


Gill Morgan

Gill Morgan

Gill represents the Norton area and can be contacted on 01302 700149


Paul Watson

Paul Watson

Paul represents the Campsall Area and can be contacted on 07802 682179


Vacancy for Norton


Vacancy for Norton


Alison McCardle

Clerk to the Parish Council
Alison McCardle

Alison is the Clerk to the Parish Council and can be contacted on 07917 662730 or by Email at: [email protected]